
a retreat for black women

restore, reclaim and remember your wholeness

tuesday june 4th - sunday june 9th 2024

castara, tobago

Retreat Features

Somatic Practices & Yoga

Come as you are. Practice gentle forms of movement. No prior experience needed.

black woman on horse

Experience Tobago

Let the lush, quiet vibrancy of waterfalls, horseback riding and the sea nourish and heal your heart.

black woman beach meditation

Time for Meditation & Reflection

Allow the time honored practices of meditation and self reflection guide you home to your heart.

The HeartComing Retreat is for you, if you:

Identify as a black person of African descent

Enjoy traveling to explore outer & inner worlds

Have a go with the flow approach.

Delight in experiences of Caribbean paradise.

Look forward to deep, deep rest and detaching from electronic devices.